What is wrong with me????
3 hours sleep, bread already rising in the kitchen,
practice tests done, forest school stuff named, cats
fed, 3 squares of The Glory Hole blanket done, plans
for a fruit cake, and all before the morning alarm.
Actually, little secret here....... I was up FAR too late
doing preparation for next weekend, and slept on top
of my bed, fully clothed, and this will not happen
Sorry, Holly Golightly, I let the side down... |
C1 starts a week of SAT* tests this morning - roll on
Friday when it will all be over for her.
Monday: 45 minutes reading test
Tuesday: 45 minutes punctuation test and 15 minutes
spelling and vocabulary test
Wednesday: 20 minutes mental maths test and 45
minutes maths with calculator test
Thursday: 45 minutes maths without calculator test
Poor kids. The weight put on these tests by the school
is completely unnecessary. I think so anyway.
It will make not a jot of difference to their employment
prospects in the future, their happiness, their ability to
conform, their job satisfaction, their social skills, or
their self-confidence. All it will do is tick boxes on
some office worker's form, and demonstrate yet again
how our children's learning curriculum is biased
towards league table positions, academia, non-
creativity, and keeping up with the Jones's.
Bring back the lovely era when a child could bring a
manky old birds nest into school, put it on the 'show
table' and a whole month's work on Birds, Habitats,
Our World, Blue Peter Birdfeeder Recipes and Feather-
Art would develop naturally, under the careful eye of a
passionate, motivated and happy teacher.
about that!
C1 and C2 both surprisingly fresh and enthusiastic this
morning considering the tests, forest school (hated by
C2 as not allowed to climb trees!), and only lactose-
free milk in the house. 2nd roast chicken dinner of the
week tonight though - I can make a roasting chicken
last for 3 even 4 days - not a bit wasted.
Soup!!!!! |
Looking forward to a refreshing cuppa with Shazzer
this morning. The day is developing well.
* Stupid And Traumatic
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