Thursday, 9 May 2013

Day 60: Thursday 9th May

Gym non-attendance today due to completely shafted knee from yesterday. 

I managed 1 little tiny leg curl with the left leg, and it seems to have given it a push where it didn't want it. 

Driving C2 to school was not a joy.  Ow!

Badger or Tiger, I don't care, just want some now!

Time to sit, tutor some crochet with Mrs H, drink some tea, and look forward to either a slap or some encouragement tomorrow from GP (first appointment) then Bariatric Dietician (2nd appointment). 

Feeling quite bad about not seeing Mummy and Daddy at all this week apart from a little visit-ette on Sunday afternoon. Where the week goes, I don't know. How I will ever be able to fit in a job of work (when it finally comes round to it) is a mystery. 

I know that Sibling 2 and his wife and girlies are visiting Tyncella this weekend, so will not be squishing us into the mix while they are there. Too many people in the house is quite overwhelming for M&D, especially now that the children are getting bigger. 

Tomorrow is mainly taken up with doctor appointment, hospital appointment, dropping off and collecting items of furniture, and school. Thank God it will be Friday.

Friday evening is looking good. Sitter arranged in the form of the wonderful Auntie S, so that I can go to Great Malvern and enjoy an evening of music and entertainment courtesy of Sibling 1 and his merry bunch of musician/mates, and get back before I turn into a pumpkin. 

Saturday seems to be getting more complicated by the minute! In mainly a good way.

C1 advised me last night that there was a plan for her, and her 2 BFFs, to meet up on Saturday for a spot of 'window-shopping' and pre-teen giggling in our local town centre. 

I am happy with this, but C1 had forgotten that the Skoda is out for the day from 7:30am for her annual medical and a jolly good poke and prod to prepare her for another year on the road. 

I have sent messages to both BFF's mummies, in the hope that (i) they are aware of the plan, and (ii) one of them might be able to pick up C1 from here to enable her to participate.

C2's BFF's Mummy collared me on the carpark this morning to let me know that her eldest son (C2's best buddy) will be able to join us for a sleepover on Saturday night. This is excellent news, as we have been trying to sort this out for weeks, as a birthday treat from a month ago. C2 is chuffed to bits. It means blow-up beds in the front room, burgers, popcorn and a film. 

Except sisters and mummies!

Best of all, it means that C1 and myself will be banished eventually to somewhere else in the house to enable them to thoroughly enjoy some boy-giggling, messing around and a general spot of late-night shenanigans. One night of this is fine. 

I am totally fed up with my knee. Have I mentioned this before. 5.5 stone in weight missing, presumed gone forever, and I am more immobile than ever!

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