Nothing but blue skies, do I see.....
I can hear the Fur-babies shouting at each-other on the trampoline, some starlings up in next-door's roof, C2 messing about on the laptop with a playlist of Queen's Greatest Hits (proud moment!), and soup bubbling on the stove. I love this kind of Saturday mornings like this.
No positive results so far from the glucosamine gel on the knackered knees. I am a bit disappointed, but then, my question about 'how can a bit of stuff rubbed on the outside help a problem on the inside?' remains unanswered.
I caught sight of myself in the mirror this morning - not something I make a habit of - I was actually shocked by how much my face has changed over the last couple of months. Having shed approaching 5 stone in weight since the beginning of February, I suppose it is to be expected. What I didn't expect is the 'head-down, toes-up' fat-loss!
I have a thinner face.
I have gone down a shoe-size.
My middle area is still similar to Mr Michelin, but getting noticeably less of it.
There may be an update later, but it is a beautiful day, and I have outsidey stuff to do.
All washing dried on the line, hailed on, then dried again. Now to iron or not to iron......
Bikes all pumped up, oiled and ready. C1 and C2 have been riding theirs this afternoon, proving the theory that you never forget how!
My bike, however, with it's newly mended saddle covered in Duct tape, is relatively unrideable still. Something to do with the height of the saddle I think. I have WD40'd it, tried to raise it, failed, then when it hailed again, gave up for now, with a resentful squirt of more WD40 as I locked up. Will try again in the morning, and ask Mr 1957 to bring his spanners and some elbow grease. We really want to get these bikes used, and being so close to success, it's frustrating.
The bike rack is now adjusted to fit the Skoda, so all being well, some biking is on the cards this summer.
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