Thursday, 4 April 2013

Day 25: Thursday 4th April

I won't bore any of you lovely readers with the reasons for the poor start to the day. 

Poor, as in the feeling I got when I switched on my phone this morning to find a message sent at 01:45 this morning which had the capacity to not only ruin C1's day, but send me into a backwards downhill spiral. Just when I think I have got things sorted.

Luckily, after a spot of advice, the day is reclaimed, and so far all is well. I have chosen, after a futile (read here 'should have known better') attempt to calm the  situation, to let it go and wait for further poo. The situation, I have learned, is not improved by any kind of pacifying/pandering/apology (what for?), so letting it flow over our heads seems to be the way forward. Not in any way with head in sand, by the way.

A light lunch involving semi-sloppy soup for me and a steak and onion baguette for C2 (torture by way of fried onion aroma throughout the house) and we are ready for our afternoon.

The text-meister has now gone all quiet, so is either asleep, or researching further ways to drive a small juggernaut through what we in this house call our calm and amicable extended family relationships. *

My tummy-bits are a bit sore today after all the wandering around yesterday, but I am not deterred - a small walk has been done around the block, and a little light domestic slavery. Mop, bucket and hoover now hidden from view again.

Awaiting the arrival of the chariot which will be collecting C1 from her cookery day. 
Or a spot of live and let live?

Pouring oil on stormy waters isn't part of my make-up, and my reasoning for sticking to the initial plan is wholly due to the fact that those emotional vacuum-cleaners (aka well-meaning people who think they know C1 better than I do) who have made comments to C1 about how hard/boring/difficult/unpleasant it is to train to be a chef need to be proved wrong. C1 is an amazing, creative, confident and capable little chef.  I will not stand by and let anyone or anything dampen her enthusiasm, or make her feel any kind of weirdness about what she wants to do, and do my best to enable it.

Rant over!


*Full apology received at 21:00.

1 comment:

  1. Was it the ex-plum? If C1 wants to be a chef so be it, putting barriers in the way will make her more determined to be a chef!Gordon Ramsey better watch out!


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