Poor, as in the feeling I got when I switched on my phone this morning to find a message sent at 01:45 this morning which had the capacity to not only ruin C1's day, but send me into a backwards downhill spiral. Just when I think I have got things sorted.
Luckily, after a spot of advice, the day is reclaimed, and so far all is well. I have chosen, after a futile (read here 'should have known better') attempt to calm the situation, to let it go and wait for further poo. The situation, I have learned, is not improved by any kind of pacifying/pandering/apology (what for?), so letting it flow over our heads seems to be the way forward. Not in any way with head in sand, by the way.
A light lunch involving semi-sloppy soup for me and a steak and onion baguette for C2 (torture by way of fried onion aroma throughout the house) and we are ready for our afternoon.
The text-meister has now gone all quiet, so is either asleep, or researching further ways to drive a small juggernaut through what we in this house call our calm and amicable extended family relationships. *
My tummy-bits are a bit sore today after all the wandering around yesterday, but I am not deterred - a small walk has been done around the block, and a little light domestic slavery. Mop, bucket and hoover now hidden from view again.
Awaiting the arrival of the chariot which will be collecting C1 from her cookery day.
Or a spot of live and let live? |
Rant over!
*Full apology received at 21:00.
Was it the ex-plum? If C1 wants to be a chef so be it, putting barriers in the way will make her more determined to be a chef!Gordon Ramsey better watch out!