8 years ago today...... how did that go so quickly?
Today started with a pile of cat sick strategically placed exactly where I put my foot out of bed! I sense some kind of feline protest going on, against the perils of cheap cat food, the dangers of eating wild mice, and just for the sheer hell of it. None of them have owned up, although one of them is looking a bit shifty.
It was him - he is downstairs chewing the sofa...... we have just woken up. |
Second mission... school shoes acquired for C1, who has now announced that she would like a school skirt for the summer term, and a polo shirt. This is the child who has not worn anything remotely like a skirt or a dress for the last 4 years! On examining styles in the shop, none came up to her stringent standards of coolness. I have done a very 'mumsy' thing, and walked away from the lycra pelmet thing she has set her sights on.
Third mission... visit to Mr P the Bariatric Consultant. No time between Missions 1, 2 and 3, so C1 and C2 have to accompany me to our county town for a boring sit in the waiting room while I get sorted. Before anyone calls The Wag Man, this is my only option, as the logistics of the day mean that I cannot get them to school and on to my appt in time, and there is nobody to collect from school and so on........
Fourth mission... after hospital trip, the birthday boy will be visiting the cinema on the way home for a film treat with me and his sister. I have tea in my bag, to be surreptitiously distributed once the lights go out!
Tickets pre-booked, so we can bypass the snack trolleys, popcorn and icecream and head to the cheap seats!
Of course, another event has been and gone while I have been so focussed on C1 and C2.
Not the last day of our acquaintance, but the judge in court, at 10am this morning, will have pronounced our 'decree nisi', marking the beginning of the end of a marriage. Sadness, some disbelief, denial and downright needing a bloody good cry, but as I say, life has to move forward, or we may as well not bother.
I have no more to say today.
There may be an update after seeing Mr P this afternoon.
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