Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Day 23: Tuesday 2nd April

Today is a sunny day, but still apparently below zero. 
I am not going to let this deter me - I have a plan to complete the weeding task in the front garden, and plant the lovely flowery plants that are left in the box.

I will also need to collect almost a bucketful of cat poo. There is definitely a need here for the Lion Dung Treatment. Unpleasant, very stinky, and that is just the cat poo. Big Cats, no doubt, do even stinkier ones, which scare away little fur-babies. Needs must.

I am most disappointed so far that even though I have lost an incredible amount of weight, my knee is still playing up. Or rather, feels unstable, and is achey and sore after a minimal amount of walking. I did not expect this. I have vowed to walk a little every day, outside, and hope to build up my muscles (which are weak, floppy, and in need of calories).
Couldn't stretch this between my knees if I tried!
I seem to be a bit moany and grouchy today. Headache and what appears to be the start of a cold (thank you C1). I have lemon and honey to make into a hot drink. And Bovril, which, in my world, fixes everything.

It is my younger brother's (S2) birthday today. I have already made contact with his answerphone. He was not there to appreciate my singing of the traditional birthday song down the line. Perhaps it is what he expected, and he hid. I know not. 

Happy Birthday, James xx
This feeling of being tired all the time is making me tired. I wonder whether it is still a lack of calories/vitamins/minerals, or just the fact that I'm not sleeping very well at night. I will mention this when I next see BD and BN.

Looking forward to an exciting adventure tomorrow, which may result in a late production of tomorrow's page. C1, C2 and I are taking the train, and cashing in a 50% off voucher to go to look at some sharks, turtles and such for the day. I hope my legs don't give up half way. 

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