Sunday, 14 April 2013

Day 35: Sunday 14th April

Easy like Sunday morning........ nope!

Up half the night again with acid reflux, gripes and  wind.  Made the most of it by downloading Kindle for PC onto C1's laptop, and adding as many free books as I could before her battery ran out. She is happy.

C1's happiness has been much improved following a big heart-to-heart yesterday, started with Auntie S and completed with me.

Her worries seem smaller now that they are 'out there', and with 'bounce-therapy' introduced as a valid way to get it out of her system, I think we are on the way to a better time. 

She has spent the day completing all her maths homework, some Gambia project, and has baked a batch of 'bed-time' cookies to add to the glass of milk to aid restful sleep. C2 will also be participating in this. Neither have been finding it easy to settle to sleep lately, so tonight will be a good start to the back-to-school routine.

The landmine that upset my stride last week seems not too bad now too. I have the form, I have the address to send it to, and although it may take longer than it did last time, C2 will be fine with support and a listening ear. 

Not part of the plan for him at this stage, but we are learning to roll with what comes our way, and things usually turn out OK in the end.

I have decided to have a little go at driving tomorrow. I need a prescription, and it is a small distance, so I feel that it is short enough to give it a go and see how it feels. 

If all goes well, I will feel better about attempting the 'biggie' on Thursday when I have to get C1 and C2 to appointments starting at 9:30am, and back to school, then myself to another appointment back at the hospital for a check-up in the afternoon. 

Progress is slow, but there is a bit of light appearing at the end of the tunnel.

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