Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Day 45: Wednesday 24th April

And so we are halfway through yet another week. I have logged the distance of the school run - 9.3 miles twice a day. Seeing C2 happily going into and out of school makes me smile. Although it would be financially brilliant to be able to walk him to and from a more local school, we will go with the flow. He is on the waiting list for a transfer, but if it doesn't happen soon, we will have to make it work to do the driving thing.

Crisis in the household - it all started last night, when Furbaby 3 came yowling in through the catflap. This sound is usually indicative of him having captured some form of wildlife. I thought nothing more of it, until I went upstairs to bed, to find all 3 cats sitting on the bathroom floor, staring intently at the hollow area behind the handwash basin pedestal. Closer inspection revealed a rather scaly tail, far bigger than that of a mouse or a shrew (FB3's usual victims).

Yep. Rattus norvegicus. Eek!

Cats shooed away. Bathroom door closed. To bed, and deal with in the morning. My achey bits went to bed, and shortly after I had gone to sleep, C2 arrived clutching his hoard of pillow-cases (Razzles) and announced that his bad dream had come back. I was not properly awake. 
This is why I did not notice that he had been to the bathroom, and left the door open.

C1 appeared at about 3am, and with no pleasantries at all, not even a gentle thump, began to query (i) why C2 was in my bed 'again', (ii) why her life was so awful, and (iii) why there was a rat's tail hanging down out of the attic flap of her doll's house, which is on top of her wardrobe.

At this, me being almost comatose and unable to shake off the drug-induced sleepiness, simply budged up a bit more to allow her to shove her way into the middle of the bed. 

Come the morning alarm, all hell breaks loose. Cats, rat, and children all vying for my attention.

I must have been slightly deranged, as I chose to ignore the rat, feed the cats and the children, and do the school run. On my return home, to await the arrival of Mrs JH for her one-to-one crochet tutorial, I decided to close the bedroom door, with rat still inside. 

Bariatric Emma rings for a nice long chat about Ryvita, liver, spinach and the joys of Fybogel. I am doing fine. My blood tests all reveal a reasonably healthy balanced body. I wish my body realised this. I feel remarkable unbalanced in a kind of over-loaded, heavy-leggy way. Must be playing catch-up after the day I had on Monday.

BFF Sally makes a call, and tells me in no uncertain terms to sling all 3 cats into the room, and close the door, and let them earn their keep. I do this. 

To no avail.

The end of the crochet lesson, and off I go to collect from school. On my return, in between making cups of tea for visiting old friends, new friends and Mr 1957 armed with a net, rat is tracked down to the inside of C1's old toddler toy box.

Goodbye Ratty.  

Tea is cooked and served. Tempers are lost.
Consequences are discussed.
Bed for 2 tired small people.

I am late with writing tonight. I still have a couple more things to do to complete my list for today.

May have to leave until tomorrow.

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