Friday, 26 April 2013

Day 47: Friday 26th April

Busy Busy Busy!

Am trying something new today. 

In fact, a few new things. 

Following my long chat with Bariatric Emma, I am giving myself a challenge to try new foods to test out the new re-routed plumbing and pipe-work. 

I am also trying some glucosamine gel to rub on my knackered knees, and flax-seed oil in my ready brek to attempt to lubricate my dry joints.

Lactose-free cheese needs some work. That's all I can say at the moment. Cous-cous went down OK. My home-made chilli hummus is a winner, and the Ryvita moments keep on coming. There is hope of a varied diet on the horizon!

Furbaby1 has a wonky tail. I originally thought that the dreaded blocked urethra had returned...

... but on closer inspection (Ouch!) I think he may have some kind of animal bite (Ratty?) at the base of his tail, 

or been clipped by something or someone larger than he is. 

He seems a lot happier tonight, but will keep a close eye on him.

After taking C1 to school, I took the Leg-Hider and 4 tubs of my hummus to Franny-Pan at her place of work. All good so far. 

Then I popped over to Mrs H2H to exchange ideas on bariatric surgery compared to Crones Disease, pick up some bits and bobs, and placed a request for any wool that turns up to be saved for me and my poppy-making British Legion project.

Then on to meet BabyDaddy to confirm calendar dates for child visits, clear up some confusion, and straighten out a joint stance on Roblox Addiction. 

Then on to see Mummy and Daddy for lunch, chat, hugs and some catching up. Dad not too great today - I haven't been able to see much of him during my recovery, and the difference in him is quite obvious. Mum is coping in her usual stalwart manner, but every time I come away from spending time there, I am more convinced that I couldn't do what she does with such enduring patience and such caring love. I know she blows a gasket occasionally, but then, she has every right to. 

Home is where the heart is. C1 and C2 are home for the weekend. School shoes kicked off in the hallway, bags and uniform scattered everywhere. 

Stuffed marrow for tea - a family favourite - I found the marrow in the 'discarded' tray in Tesco. I found half a bag of Quorn mince in the freezer, half a tomato and half a carrot and some sadly limp celery in the fridge, an oxo cube and some couscous, and hey presto! 5* dinner. 

All gone - according to my children it tasted fantastic.  

Fruit salad chopped at the table to follow. 

My meal consisted of blended marrow stuffing with a quarter of a potato mashed in, and some of the lactose-free cheese melted on top. 

I will not repeat this combination. 

It is on the 'NO' list.  

Relaxed, harmonious, Friday evening is blown out of the water by some tears from C1 as C2 had 'jumped on her head' on the trampoline. Not sure what actually happened, but there was no blood, a murmer of an apology from C2 (although actually, mummy, I'm not that sorry), and peace is restored, along with the WiFi connection, Roblox and FB. 

Roll on bathtime. Early nights all round, I think. 

My lovely friend Rach is coming over tomorrow with her equally lovely offspring. We shall drink tea. And make plans of a creative nature. 

Other plans for the weekend are brewing, depending on the weather. We have had sun, rain, wind, sleet and hail today. Whatever the weather, I will be spending a little time in the garage tomorrow on a bike inspection, preparing for a possible test-run on Sunday. 

Mr 1957 is most insistent. I need to get out more! 

On yer bike!!!!

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