Sunday, 7 April 2013

Day 28: Sunday 7th April

Well I woke up this morning..... (not a blues song, I promise!)....
This is a blues song.......
14 hours undisturbed sleep..... fabulous. First time this has happened since Day 1 of this adventure, and this time there was no morphine involved!!  

A slight inclination towards another little bout with Mrs Cystitis, I fear, but I am ready with cranberry juice.
No vodka in it. Unfortunately.

Mind you, C1 and C2 are absent for the weekend, so that kind of helps too. 

Anyway, sleep caught up on, bed stripped and washing machine on. Lovely day for making line-dried bed-linen - irresistable.  

My bedlinen is purple,
but the idea is here..............

Lazy day of home-stuff, soup and some houmus I made yesterday. Then once the line-dried, breeze-aired bed linen is ready, remake the bed, hot bath with eucalyptus oil, Lemsip in a mug and clean jimjams. Hoping for another good night's sleep.

I can dream........

C1 and C2 due back tomorrow morning - ready for another week of Easter holiday 'I'm bored/what can I do now/do I have to do that' shenanigans. 

Luckily I have some increased stamina due to the introduction of ReadyBrek into my morning routine. 
And a cunning plan!

Choose, or Chores!!!!
Hmmmm........ there will be chores anyway, but I'm not telling them that!  Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Extra joy having a major telephone catch up with S2 all the way from deepest Carmarthenshire. Thank you, matey.  Seed planting, crochet squash nets and fence hooks here we come.......

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