Thursday, 25 April 2013

Day 46: Thursday 25th April

Thursday brings sunshine, and aren't we all pleased? 

No rodents in the house this morning. Phew!

C1 has been 'spoken to' about the length of her school skirt. 

I have been treated to a demonstration of what length it really should be, (below the knee, apparently, but NOBODY wears it like that, mummy!) with the bonus of the standard thick black tights, girly boxers and huge expanse of school blouse all showing between the TOP of the waistband and her navel! 

Oh dear. 

C2 announced to me as we arrived in the school car park that he had a headache and was too tired. I cajoled/dragged/bribed him into the building, where he then proceeded to have a brilliant day, coming out again with a certificate for his excellent Lego aqueduct, 3 house points, and a massive smile. 

I rushed home after the morning run to meet the lovely recipient of 2 gorgeous baby blankets (I think so). She was delighted with them. I love handing over things I have made for people. Here they are, modelled by Baby Annabel.

Crochet blanket
Knitted wrapping shawl
The prospect of assembling enough of my makes to participate in a proper craft fair have been discussed. Still not sure, but I will continue making stuff!

My gardening exploits earlier this week are still causing me a little discomfort, so I will be calling upon C1 and C2 to help complete the weeding task this weekend. 

First I will need to locate the wheelbarrow!

Spent a lovely mid-morning/mid-afternoon window of opportunity with Mr 1957 - sitting in the sunshine, drinking peppermint tea, munching (20 times per 20p-size mouthful) on a Ryvita and hummus, while he sat next to me with a luscious bacon sarnie. 

All's fair, as they say.

An evening of kid-stuff, finishing off crochet projects, and thinking about the weekend that we might have, lies ahead tonight. Hoping for fine weather. Hoping for some extra energy now. I am feeling much more like my old self today. 


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