Sunday, 10 March 2013

Sleepover, calming Typhoo, and some last-minute jitters

Monday 25th February

C1 and C2 are safely delivered to their accommodations for the next week while I am otherwise engaged. They will be happy, cared for and kept occupied at school during my short absence from their lives.

My friend comes over and collects me and my hospital bag. I am a wreck, but putting on a brave face. Much needed cups of tea, no sympathy, some relentless teasing and a good film. Exactly what is needed tonight. No more yogurt after midnight. 

Tuesday 26th February

Sleep actually comes easily - all of a sudden it is 6am. There is some last crochet to be done, and a final sip of warm Vimto. 

Arrive at the hospital at 11:30am.
Check-in is smooth. I have a room with a view, it's own shower and toilet, a heavy door, and one of those electric beds that seem such a good idea at the time until you try to sleep on it! 

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