Friday, 22 March 2013

Day 12: Friday 22nd March

Snow has arrived. Not as forecast, but enough to remind me of Michael Fish and his careful prophesies!!

"There will be no hurricane tonight..."

Weights and measures day comes around very quickly - the machine says I have lost another 8lbs this week, making it all seem worth while, and 4" off my waist and boobs.

There will be the occasional setback!
Instead of giving up, simply start afresh the next day.
You are planning to change the rest of your life...
and this will not happen all at once.

Another little blip last night to remind me of taking care of the bits in my soup! Unfortunate revisit from Mr Dry-Heave, causing distress to me, C1 and C2. Had to go to bed, leaving them to sort themselves out - not happy with this situation. When I had recovered enough to be able to move safely (!) I discovered 2 sleeping children, who had gone off to the land of nod without a hug and a kiss from me. I felt distraught. 

Dark clouds overhead - no Mummy kisses.

Better this morning - in most ways. C1 happy in her skinny jeans ("yes, mummy, they do count as school uniform!") and fake Uggs, and C2 hopping off to Mrs Fisherman's wagon seeking knowledge of a Roman kind. 

Mrs Fisherman returns from the school run to a much needed hug and a mug of hot coffee. Diaries are compared, and we work out that soon I should be able to drive again, and start doing school runs. I have been feeling out of the loop, and feel the need to get back into the 'helping children get to and from school' malarky etc.

Mrs Fisherman has gone to the shops, and has agreed to visit the cashpoint for me, and buy me some caster sugar and some spreadable butter. C1 and C2 will be having toast with butter and Marmite later, and the option of some kind of cake over the weekend. I hadn't planned for them to be here with me, but the best will be made of the situation, and hopefully there will be no fighting. 

Mrs Fisherman will be returning to me later on, before the afternoon school run, for further hot coffee, some serious gossip, maybe a viewing of some kind of zombie film, and general hiding from the world with the curtains shut (mutual agreement!).

I can't see them, so they can't see me.......

The cashpoint visit is necessary as C1 needs new school shoes urgently, 

Not quite up to Imelda's standards, but C1 is working on it...

and C2 needs larger wellies.

Also urgently. 

Auntie K is sorting all of this out tomorrow, as long as Michael Fish-esque snow-storm and poor weather conditions stay away. 

The sore tummy is back, so it is fluids only again, more paracetamol, and not too far from the loo please. 

Crochet day. Woop.

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