Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Day 3 F-R: Wednesday 13th March

More developments are occurring in my personal pipelines...... the cystitis has come back, so I am now awaiting delivery of some different anti-biotics which I hope will kick it into touch. The nice doctor is also sending some anti-itch liquid in case the anti-bladder-infection liquid brings me out in a rash like it did last time..... *

C1 crept into my bed at stupid o'clock again last night, stating that once again, she could not sleep.
I pointed out that if she carried on talking, she would have to be a very very special kind of person to be able to sleep while doing that! 

Had to get up at 2am due to an attack of dry heaving (nice!) and achy legs. After sitting downstairs feeling incredibly sorry for myself and jealous of all the sleeping people in my neighbourhood, I made my way back to bed, to find that C1 had been replaced by a sweaty starfish, and there was no hope of any kind of relaxed sleeping arrangement to be had.

Morning comes, with C2 stripping his bed for the 3rd morning in a row. This doesn't really bother me, but is bothering him. We deal with it, and all is well.

Breakfast, school shoes and coats all done, C1 walks to school, and C2 disappears into Mrs Fisherman's car, on the way to dropping off various children at 3 different schools. I have suggested in the past that she should have a Bus sign on her car, but it failed to raise a smile. 

Feeling wobbly, shaky and decidedly rough at the edges, I lie down as soon as the coast is clear. My temperature is comparable to that of the atmosphere outside the gates of hell, and I am clammy. 

A decision is made to call the GP. * see above

Visiting rights are withheld this morning. I am allowing one special visit this afternoon from Mr 1957. He will probably make me laugh till my stitches ache, and force me to watch him drink tea while dunking Rich Tea biscuits. I will have the tea, but the biscuits are quite beyond me.

Lovely BD Emma called me this morning from her office to console me and to let me know that all of this is normal,  considering I have had major surgery, not once, but twice, over the last 2 weeks, and have eaten nothing more than runny yogurt since 4th February, and am a 'bit weak'.

I have just done some mathematics - the total number of calories consumed by ME yesterday is.......

350 - obviously not enough.

I am looking forward to a visit this evening from my very old friend Tressle - we have known each-other since we were 4, lived almost next door to each-other for years, and have stayed in touch through thick and thin. She will also make me laugh, and with any luck she might even chase C1 and C2 to bed for me, while I lie on the sofa doing what I most want to do - nothing.

Evening shenanigans anticipated from C1 and C2....



If only...........

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