Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Day 2 F-R! Tuesday 12th March

What a difference a day makes. 

The cystitis is fading fast. I feel more able to walk comfortably. My headache has almost gone. The weird kind of exhaling spluttering cough that I have had since the first bout of surgery is getting a little less risky on the pants.

C1 and C2 are now relaxed, happy and talking to me. It was bound to have an impact on them, being away from home and me for 2 whole weeks. We have never been apart for that long, EVER!

My night was rudely interrupted by my body's pathetic attempts at nocturnal gymnastics. Woke myself up to a pulling pain from the keyhole sites, as it appears that I tried to do an olympic standard axel* jump under the duvet.

*Definition: An axel jump is a figure skating jump where the take-off is on a forward outside edge. After jumping forward from that forward edge, the skater makes one and one-half revolutions in the air and lands on the other foot on a back outside edge.  

Anyway, C1 and C2 went off to school smiling, full of 

scrambled eggs, mushrooms (not C2), toast and cups

 of tea. 

I am now girding myself for a shower and hair wash, 

with maybe a brief flirtation with replacing dressings 

on my keyholes. 

Then, the plan is to dress up warmly, venture outside 

into the Arctic conditions for a little walk in the 


Then I can justify sipping Bovril and knitting for most 

of the day, taking great care to ignore the washing 

pile, the fluff on the carpet, and concentrate on 



To be honest, the walk did me in! 

Shower, dressing-change, use of hair-dryer: all it did 

was make me feel really tired.  Woke up 4 hours 

later... just in time to make a batch of little choccie     

brownies for C1 and C2 when they get home. 

Raspberries on top will make them extra special. 

Still sore from my night-time antics, so bring on the 


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