Sunday, 31 March 2013

Day 21: Sunday 31st March

Woooooo-hooooooo!!!! Day 21!!!!! 

3 weeks into the recovery programme.

3 weeks left until I can reclaim the steering wheel of my trusty old Skoda.

3 weeks left to build up the stamina ready for my venture into the world of bike-riding-practice and walking to beautiful off-road places.

Necessary assistance needed...

Yes please...

3 weeks, or about that, or whatever my body decides to do. 
Who knows?

My body is not aware of the calendar and my special marks on it, indicating a precise date when all will be back to 'normal'. 
1st May 2013 - I wonder...

This is so frustrating, but I am learning the hard way.
When I try to push the boundaries, it hurts, or I am sick, or I am flat out with aching tummy, or Mr Dry-Heaving pays me a visit. 

Boundaries are there to keep a person safe. 
Young or old. 
Beautiful or ugly. 
Boundaries are there for a purpose. 
Can't be helped.
I am not jumping through any boundaries/hoops/rings of fire for anybody.

Sorry to all those lovely people who are waiting patiently (or not) for me to recover so that I can resume business as usual. 

It is not as simple as I initially thought. 

Ah well - Sunday lunch is in the oven - roast chicken with bacon and stuffing, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, carrots, cabbage and gravy. Rice pudding for afters. For 'them'!!!!

I will be having mushy leftover lamb dinner. Nice. 

If the sun is still shining, there is a possibility of fresh air in the Lickeys. Good.

Snow thick and freezing cold on the Lickeys at Beacon Hill. Snowballs, tree-climbing, and some whining, but had a great time till my legs gave out. Thank you Mr 1957 for taking us. 

As a finale to today, I forgot what I was doing, and tried to bite a roast potato. Pain, sickness and overwhelming nausea. Thank God it came straight back up.

Sorry, body. Must try harder. And concentrate.

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