Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Day 17: Wednesday 27th March

Morning has broken...... and so has my alarm clock.

Bit of a rush this morning - so it was a banana-yogurt smoothie for breakfast for all 3 of us. 

Mind you, C1 had already tackled 2 fried eggs before I appeared in the kitchen, so when the apocalypse comes, she will obviously be a capable survivor!

C2 went off to school in the much-hated waterproof trousers, aiming to find the biggest Easter egg in the school Easter Egg hunt - he was muttering about the teachers finding the best ones as they already knew where they were - he will go far!

C1 is having a quick 'Moonlight Sonata' fix on the piano before she walks to school.

I have asked (in a roundabout way) Mrs Fisherman to help me out in exchange for a nice cup of coffee - I feel really wobbly this morning, and the prospect of a 1/2 mile walk to the dentist, then a 1/2 mile walk back, wasn't making me feel too good. She has stepped in to give me a lift there and back, after her epic school run this morning.

Open wide........

That means that I will have enough energy left today to empty the bins and even attempt to vacuum up all the dried mud that C2 has trodden all over every floor in the downstairs homestead area while fighting with the evil waterproof trousers and too-small wellies. 

Let it dry - it will brush up!

The business of asking C1 and C2 for domestic help is becoming a real trial. Their new response is 'well, send us to live somewhere else then' - not particularly helpful, and makes me want to cry.  Neither of them can understand how truly knackered I feel, even after the simple jobs of cooking their tea and washing up. I will be searching the internet for suitable responses to my next bid for assistance. Maybe an embargo on all electrical luxuries in the home until help is provided? 

Anyway - dear reader - as you can probably tell, my mood is as jolly as the arse of an old donkey this morning. 

Front end.....

On the plus side, yesterday's soup, weetabix, yogurt and sloppy scrambled egg has stayed put. Just need to up the water intake again, as it doesn't seem to want to continue it's magical journey.....  eeek!

'my wait is over'............???????
Dentist update: my teeth will do for another 6 months, and have not been affected in the slightest by my 6 weeks of fluids only. In fact, apparently, my mummy's natural live yogurt has done my teeth good! I have to return to have an extremely old filling removed and re-done, and the usual scrape and polish torture, but all is well. Good.

Mrs Fisherman came back in for another coffee, then briskly whizzed round the front room with a duster, polish, vacuum cleaner and a small amount of swearing, and a promise of a 'discussion' with C1 and C2 about the merits of helping out at home, willingly, without nagging, and with the possible benefits of a happier me, a little pocket money, and the knowledge that they are contributing to the running of a happy home. I predict a riot.

1 comment:

  1. Need to have a word with c1 but c2 seemed up for it!


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