Not the actual shrew, but I'm sure you get the idea... |
Dead shrews are always carefully placed, as they are tributes to the Furbaby-Mummy. Unfortunately, they are always carefully placed just where I put my foot when I get out of bed. (Pause for imagery of squelchy defunct rodent between toes).
7:30am brings a wail from C1 - she is overtired thanks to her nocturnal wanderings and bids to sleep in my bed (to no avail) and to top it all she is sick. Lovely.
Thank the Lord - I borrowed some from the hospital!!!!!!!!! |
C2 is also under the weather, so a maternal decision is made (reluctantly, as I have a fiendish amount of knitting to complete today) and I phone both schools with the news that both my children are skiving toads and need whipping into shape as soon as........
Children aside, my keyholes are still remarkably sore. I am sure that this should not be the case now, but will be monitoring it carefully today, and consuming a regular input of soluble paracetamol.
Sunshine improves the mood all round today. If C1 and C2 perk up enough, I will send them outside to breathe in some fresh air, and say farewell to the teeny tiny trampoline in the garden. This is about to be replaced by a suitably larger trampoline which I won on ebay last night. It was a scary sight, on Saturday, to see C1 and C2 playing 'Cracking The Egg' together, with their legs and heads hanging off the edges of said trampoline. It is now far too small. So it has to go.
Tiny but perfectly formed - now on eBay! |
That said, I have now asked Mr 1957 for his able assistance in driving me to Henley-In-Arden, dismantling Giant Trampoline for me, putting bits in his car, and driving me and GT back to the homestead and re-assembling. This is a big ask, and I will be offering petrol money and a slow-cooked lamb dinner as a bribe.
Saturday's mission..... to bring home from Henley-in-Arden and re-assemble... |
Happy to announce that both C1 and C2 are perking up enough to manage to sit on the sofa and watch some telly. C1 is actually contemplating doing more on her Gambia project for school, so am not fighting this...
Today I will be mostly eating yogurt and soup. The yogurt is made for me with love, by my lovely mummy.
The soup is all my own work, consisting of blended leftovers. Tastes fantastic!
My soup. Blended left-over roast potato, yorkshire pud, peas, shepherd's pie, gravy and carrots. Truly delicious - REALLY!!! |
Just been on a little walk-ette down to the post office.
500m tops. Knackered, but the sun felt good on my
face, and the cashpoint card gave me a teeny bit of
joy. Going for a lie down now!
A lovely call from BN Karen and this confirms that all is still on track, and I am doing great. Happy.
great blog Sue xxx