Monday, 25 March 2013

Day 15: Monday 25th March

Today is Day 15 - and I am popping in to see the Bariatric Dietician and Nurse for a check-up, morale-boost and some further advice. Am not convinced that I am ready to move on to puree. Will see what happens. **

Gold star for me! Am apparently doing really well, all things considered. Have already lost 24% of my excess body weight, and reduced my BMI from 55 to 42. Am now free to move on to Weetabix, ReadyBrek, cottage cheese, houmous and other pureed slop. Wooooooooop!!!!!

Due to my car-keys also being on house-arrest, am being collected in good time for the appointment, and hope to be back home in time for the return of C1 and C2 from school.
I hope my lift-provider will come in his car!!!!!

The sun is shining. The snow has nearly all melted. 

I have had a rotten night, featuring bad dreams, stomach cramps, sore inside stitches (could be imagined, but hey, it felt real at the time) and further Olympic-standard tossing and turning.*

Can't seem to get warm today. Feel a bit mean, but won't crank up the heating about the 20 degree mark - it is against all my principles. I do, however, have 2 pairs of socks on, 3 jumpers, a knitted scarf and a hat on. 

*See Day 2 F-R.

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