5 loads of washing sitting here, spread all over the place, just making the house more humid.
As we are heading over to The Principality again tomorrow, I have asked S2 whether we can bring the damp laundry with us, and hang it, in stages, above their AGA. He has agreed, so all is not lost.
Had 2 fab visits today... the lovely B and her 2 children O and L came over, lots of green tea with mint was consumed, the Lego came out, the wet trampoline got bounced on, and all went well. Then Mrs Chinn and Alice came over too, armed with knitting corrections, funny stories and a late birthday present for me! Lots of projects to be added to the list now. It was a book crammed full of knitting patterns. Yippee!
Thanks Rachel... |
C1 is on a sleepover tonight, so C1 and I have enjoyed a 99p pizza together, and are looking forward to a sofa snuggle and a film, after the 'good night' pop-in to Daddy.
Tomorrow will mainly consist of packing a bag into the car, including wet washing, sleeping bags and pillows, wellies (going to Wales, after all!) and my crochet bag, picking up C1 from her friend's house, dentist check-ups, then hit the M5. Aiming to sit down to lunch with S2 and his lovely family by about 1pm. There is a bell tent in the garden, which can contain 7 children, so all being well I may have a bedroom to myself tomorrow night while all 5 cousins sleep outside.
August starts tomorrow... just saying......
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