Saturday, 20 July 2013

Day 132: Saturday 20th July

The heatwave continues. My solution is simple and effective.

This time last year I would have been suffering with this heat. Swollen, sweaty, jock itch and feeling totally wiped out. This year, I am happy to say, the part of me that suffered all of that is the part of me that has now been shedded!

Sleepover city! C1 went to the park at 4 yesterday afternoon with Lovely Meeeeeeea, and is not coming home until 11am today. How lovely to have such flexible friends, such a flexible mummy. She is on Victoria Sandwich duty this afternoon, however, so had better be awake by then!

Spent a lovely morning yesterday with Mummy & Daddy - some great ideas were whirling around the garden, and as I did a spot of pruning (supervised by Daddy) the nugget of an idea sprouted wings. 

The bay prunings were brought home with great ideas of entrepreneurism, but all I found in the honesty box was a crust of bread! Pffft!

Today is BBQ day chez Mr 1957. There will also be some bunny-bothering, jolly times and hopefully a nice breeze coming from the hills.

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