Monday, 15 July 2013

Day 127: Monday 15th July


Very hot!

So hot, that I have invested in a paddling pool for the garden. A bargain from the famous online auction site!

Took an hour to pump it up though. Our little footpump is fine for airbeds, but for a 3-tuber pool, it is a little out of it's comfort zone.

This morning's physio appointment went very well, with positive comments about my improved balance, 

stance and gait, and some serious zapping with the sonic screwdriver on both knees. Instructions to take at least 2 rest days a week, from over-enthusiastic exercise routines and general wear-and-tear-inducing activity (aka life!) were met with nods of agreement. 

C1 and C2 spent the day in their new classrooms (preparation for September) and with their new teachers. This is called Transition Day, or as we used to call it, 'Going Up Day'. They both enjoyed it, and I suspect that they are quite disappointed to be going back to their current year groups tomorrow, and for the remainder of this summer term (they have 7 school days left before the start of the Big Holidays).

A trip to the dentist for C1 for a sealant treatment, which went well. All good for another 6 months.

The pool is proving to be an absolute gem. Get wet, bounce on the trampoline till you are hot and sweaty, then perch on the chair, fling yourself into the air, and land in the water again. This could go on for quite a while!

It is Sports Day tomorrow for C2. I have no idea what events he is participating in, and neither, it appears, does he! There will be spectators though. 

C1's birthday preparations are almost complete. The cinema trip is on. 

The Knickerbocker Glory-fest is on. 

There is a plan-ette for some jolly times viewing old steam engines and other stuff this weekend, and if the weather holds, a spot of BBQ (again). 

Hot evening, so will be dipping my own toes in the pool as soon as The Offspring are in their beds. 

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