Thursday, 11 July 2013

Day 124: Friday 12th July

Uh-ohhhhhh! Where's the sun gone?

Got a busy day today, although I meant it to be a nice quiet one. Why do we do this? 

C1 has a day at school with non-uniform just for her class, and a DVD. This is down to their down-right hard work and general knuckling down, and the rest of the school has to take note of how fab 6CW are!

C2's teachers are having a training day, so he is spending the day with me. This is now going to involve a trip to town, a visit with Mummy and Daddy while a lady from social care pops in to assess whether there are any other things 'they' can do to help the situation. 

After this, C2 and I will be coming home to do some jobs, including belated sunflower planting (needed to wait until the weedkiller I put there had no more power), watering our squashes and cucumbers, some serious vacuuming, dusting and polishing, and some 'putting away clean clothes'. 

2 job application packs have arrived - I need to sort out my CV and apply myself. 

There is still no word from Mr Landlord regarding our future tenancy here, and I am assuming for the moment that no news is good news. Although, the habit I have to see it all from the 'glass half empty' perspective is gradually fading, it does rear its ugly head occasionally.

Life goes on. I control the bits I am able to, and let the rest just be. That is the way forward for me. 

YOLO - apparently this is a new acronym according to the social network sites - You Only Live Once. 

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