Happy 54th Wedding Anniversary, Mummy and Daddy!
I think Year 54 has comprised a lot of tolerance and tenacity. Well done, both.
Our day started at the same time as a normal school day, due to an appointment at 9am. Once installed in the waiting room, we realised that the appointment was actually for 9:30am, so I had to go and feed the parking machine with another pound.
On leaving, we were going to go on a mission to find worm tablets, travel bands, socks, crop tops and some sandals. I consulted the Parking Fuhrer, asking him whether the fact that I had parted with enough coinage to allow me 4 hours on the car park, but both tickets were for similar expiration times, would allow me to use the full value. His rude and curt reply was something along the lines of 'should have bought the right ticket in the first place, buy another one' so I decided not to engage in further discussion, but walked away and took us off to a different car park.
Both children were shocked at how this jobsworth bloke had spoken to me.
They were even more shocked when, as we mooched around the shopping centre, clutching our list, we witnessed a child/mother with a screaming toddler, a baby buggy, and some nasty language. I was ready to step in and offer some kind of help, but the screaming woman/girl was so intent on abusing her terrified child that I don't think she would have noticed me. Walking away made me feel awful. C1 put it very well. 'If she's like that in public, what must that poor baby have to go through at home with the door shut?'.
Shame on me, I thought. She had gone by the time I had thought it through.
Onwards to the old house, to collect a parcel that had been sent to the wrong address (we have only been gone from there for nearly 2 years, after all), which was kind of emotional (old bedroom door with C1's sticker scars still showing - chucked onto a scrapheap outside the front). Hard to see, but easy to walk away from.
On to the parents for afternoon tea. Scones, jam and clotted cream. Yummy, but all too soon proved that my dairy intolerance is still alive and well!
Packing lists printed and distributed as soon as we returned home. C1 and C2 are now adept at packing their own bags - just pillows and a toothbrush to add to the mix in the morning.
The forecast looks fairly promising. All good.
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