Thursday, 27 June 2013

Day 109: Thursday 27th June

Yesterday was a whirlwind of phone calls, waiting for 'the man with the logo and a van', further phone calls, finger-tapping and guitar re-stringing.

Missed a quality afternoon spent with Daddy due to the lateness of the arrival of 't-m-w-t-l-a-a-v' and waved goodbye to the pile of exam papers. Great job done.

After-school barbecue involving 3 children, 3 cats, a windy corner of the garden and some kebabs. Excellent. The trampoline and my geraniums were almost involved too, but we managed to remain calm, and all was fine.

C1 and her friend The Hatster spent a lovely hour or so bouncing around, giggling like girls (er - hang on - they ARE girls!) and making futile attempts to de-bag C2. He enjoyed every moment. Playing with the big girls is becoming a special interest for him. Oh dear......

This morning's salute to Mother Nature happened as I stopped off in a leafy lane after dropping C2 at school. The main aim was to harvest 40 heads of fluffy elderflower for my cordial project. As I stood in the quiet hedgerow (yes - I was IN the hedge) I heard a scuffle, and there, right by my feet, was a young hare. It looked me in the eye, I swear it grinned, then it skipped off through the hedge and over the field beyond. Priceless.

Home to pare lemons, boil sugar syrup, and shake off any lingering insects, before leaving the whole lot to steep for 24 hours. 

Today may turn out better than expected. Off to check up on my lovely keeper friend Mrs Wobble, for news on the latest scan, ideas on baby-makes, and some downright earthy discussion on a variety of subjects including the morning-after pill, cloth nappies, chicken poo and the best recipe in the world for lettuce soup. Who could say my life is boring?

Hoping for another great performance from C2 tonight as he takes the stage again for the school play. 

All in all, things couldn't be much better.

Could they?  ...

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