Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Day 107: Tuesday 25th June

Sunny day - hoping for bright things - a good start to the day.

C1 and C2 pancaked and ready for school. Washing up done and put away.

House vacuumed and ready for the man with the tape measure and Mr Landlord - we are really really really hoping for a result where the house doesn't need to be sold from under us, thanks to the inheritance tax, making us have to move when we are happy where we are. I know that Mr Landlord feels the same way. 

The 'royal' decree was received this morning, so a booking has been made with the 'Man with a Van, a logo and a big zapper' to come and collect all the exam papers tomorrow, freeing up the dining room for proper use again. Yay!

There is a 2nd-hand Uniform sale on at C2's school this morning, before the bell. He could do with a couple of white school shirts, as he manages to convert the 2 that he already has into grey, striped and somewhat nasty-looking around the collar within hours of wearing them! Will have a look anyway.

I pulled a couple of muscles last weekend - have narrowed it down to the point where I was messing around on a seesaw thing at the park, in the pouring rain, being scowled at by various children and parents as they sheltered under the slide. I had a great time, but the old abdomen feels a bit edgy today. Hah! 

Well, bread to make, probably some kind of rolls for picnics, teatime sandwiches and dipping in soup. Now I have a nicely defrosted freezer, the prospect of refilling it with nice home-made food is a pleasure.


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