Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Day199: Wednesday 25th September

The fact that it is only 4:45am is an indication of my need to get on with things. Woke up, unable to switch off my internal 'to-do list' so washing machine is on, cats fed, knitting project completed, and no sign of sleep returning.

Boot Cuffs

Minus the boots!

Last night's exciting event (!!!!!) was the doorbell ringing at 9:30pm - just as all had quietened down upstairs. Lucky I wasn't already in my pyjamas!

It was 2 gentlemen from the water board wanting to inspect my manhole. 

Ooh Matron!
After a short intake of breath, some careful controlling of my smut-gene, and a call upstairs to reassure C1 and C2 that all was well, they came in through the garage with torches. 

After quite a palaver involving lifting a fence panel, me holding half a large buddleia out of the way, lifting a concrete baseboard and some heavy breathing (them not me!) it was confirmed that there is no blockage on my (Landlord Ian's) property, or that of my lovely neighbour. 

I now have the joy of looking forward to a return visit after 4pm today from a 4-man gang with hoses, who would like to repeat the fence-lifting and aim a gallon or so of high-pressure water towards my other neighbour's property, as apparently there IS a blockage further down the road, with very unpleasant contents. 

Wondering whether any of this is down to me and my current toilet issues only lasted a few seconds, until the blame was placed on the chip shop up the road. I had no idea there was a blockage!!! 

Further pauses for 'Ooh Matron' opportunities, and off they went again, only to return 15 seconds later (giving me time to simply sniff the Rich Tea stress-buster in my hand) as they had left their jemmy and screwdriver on the picnic bench. 

Couldn't make it up really. 

So it was off to bed, sleeplessness like a cloud of gnats, and here I am, in the still of the early morning (aka stupid o'clock) planning a 'disposable' packed lunch for C2's day-trip to an environmental education centre later today with his new class, new knitting project, how to prevent a rabbit from digging a Colditz-grade tunnel under the hutch, and further delving into the Rich Tea stash. 

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