Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Day 164: Wednesday 21st August

Busy day of to-ing and fro-ing, but all in good spirit.
C1 and C2 are happy with their new school uniform bits and bobs - larger sizes, and new shoes. £116 spent, but not too bad. Thank you Mr Tesco - your school shoes are fab!

Unbelievable though it may sound, apparently I am losing weight a little too fast at the moment. This is easily explained by my innards' total inability to hang on to anything I eat for longer than 45 minutes. 

I am using all my Severn Trent User Vouchers at the moment - flushed away!!!!

Still, it could be a lot worse.

Managed to get into THE PINK JEANS today. This is only meaningful to a few friends and my children. It is an awesome personal achievement, however, and I am suitably chuffed. So are C1 and C2. They have announced this evening that they much prefer the 'new slim mummy' and like my dress code a lot more. There is less black, and a lot more colour, and as there is a lot less of me, my wardrobe favourites are either a bit too loose, or extremely comfortable to wear!

I foresee a new swimming cozzy soon though. Indecent bagginess alert!

Soon there will be a need for some new underwear, and having checked out the charity shop provision in our home town, the possibilities of some honed down jeans, and other items, at knock-down prices, is getting exciting. All 'big' clothes are being designated to the charity collection bag as soon as possible.

Had a fruitless search for amalgamating tape today - the washing machine has decided to spring a leak, and the fix is going to be a taped up exit pipe. NOT a new washing machine!!!  Will continue the search tomorrow, perhaps. No more washing until it is fixed though, as there is now quite a lot of water travelling down the middle of the garage and across to the road outside, whenever I perform my laundry duties.
Perhaps I should use some amalgamating tape on my own exit pipe!

On that note, I will sign off, and go and enjoy a film with C1 and C2, peppermint tea for me and C1, hot chocolate for C2. Joyful moment.

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