Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Day 226: Tuesday 22nd Octoberi

Well it all looked so promising.....

Then I checked the details, did some working out, and found that it wasn't what I had hoped at all.

A lovely job in a lovely place, but once I had paid for the pre and post-school childcare for C2, encouraged C1 to become a latch-key kid, and gained 100% more stress, I would be worse off financially for certain, and mentally, on the road to ruin again.

So it's back to the drawing board. Or the yarn bin. Or something else to try to make ends meet a little better. What with Christmas coming up and all.
I also discovered that I had un-knowingly taken on a loan last year, in the false awareness that it was a kind of gift. I did check, I know I did. I would never have taken a loan for a hundred quid at a time when I cannot pay it back. Oh god. Now I feel awkward, a bit cross, and more than a little embarrassed that it has taken her a whole year to ask her husband to ask for it back. Have offered to pay it back in small amounts, which will have to be SMALL amounts due to my lack of expendable cash. Hmmmmm. Lost enough sleep over this now. Envelope for loose change.....

Visit to the lovely Bariatric Emma on Friday confirmed that I am seriously depleted in vitamin B12, so now need to have an injection of the stuff every 3 months for life. Ow. I had my first one yesterday. Feels like I have been punched on the arm by a small oaf.

Still, the weight is still coming off. And the diarrhoea (sorry folks) is still purging every day. Time for Mr Consultant to step in. (Not literally, of course, that would be very yucky!). I see him on Thursday to discuss poo, weight loss and floppy skin.

2 of our little baby bunnies are now on the way to a new home care of the RSPCA. It wasn't difficult, as the lady I handed them over to was lovely and reassuring. 
Gone but not forgotten.
Fur-baby 3 is on his way to pastures new on Friday too. That is going to be sadder. The trouble is that he causes fights, causes stress to the other older 2, and it's not fair. He deserves a one-cat home, with someone to love him, and he doesn't like to share, so he's off to Franny-Pan's mum. 
Adieu, Dubster. xx
So it's an emotional roller-coaster this week. Keeping on top of it all has been a bit of a challenge, but with C1 and C2 being particularly great about it all, it could be a whole lot worse.

And I made 3 robins while Doc Martin was on. Whoop!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Day 219: Tuesday 15th October

Lots of time has passed since my last entry. 19 days, in fact. 

Time shared between C1 and C2, Mummy and Daddy, Mr 1957, various other relatives in varying lengths of time, school teachers, doctors, dietician, phlebotomists, vets, old mates and rabbits.
Babies for my babies...


Also need to mention the oodles of job applications which are winging their way from me to 'them' - so far with not so much as a peep of response other than 'thanks but no thanks'. Ah well, at least I have a lot of ways to make good use of my time!

Babies ready to be rehomed...

Experimental rhubarb upside-down cake... winner!